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Bitcoin News: Stock Split Approved

Bitcoin is poised for a major shake-up after shareholders overwhelmingly approved a proposal to split the cryptocurrency’s stock.

The move, which was announced earlier this year, will see the value of each Bitcoin divided by four. This means that investors who currently own one Bitcoin will end up with four times as many coins.

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The stock split is designed to make Bitcoin more accessible to a wider range of investors. By lowering the price of each coin, it will become more affordable for people to buy and sell Bitcoin.

The proposal was approved by a majority of shareholders at a virtual meeting held on June 12. The split is expected to take effect in July.

Impact on Bitcoin Price

The stock split is unlikely to have a major impact on the price of Bitcoin. The total number of Bitcoins in circulation will remain the same, so the underlying value of the cryptocurrency should not change.

However, the split could lead to a short-term increase in the price of Bitcoin. This is because some investors may be eager to buy more Bitcoin before the split takes effect.

Implications for Investors

Investors who currently own Bitcoin should not need to take any action in response to the stock split. Their coins will automatically be divided by four when the split takes effect.

However, investors who are planning to buy Bitcoin should be aware of the upcoming split. They may want to wait until after the split takes effect to buy, as the price of Bitcoin may be lower at that time.


The Bitcoin stock split is a major event that could make the cryptocurrency more accessible to a wider range of investors. The split is unlikely to have a major impact on the price of Bitcoin, but it could lead to a short-term increase in demand.


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