Headlines!bitcoin news quiz

Bitcoin News Quiz

Test Your Bitcoin Knowledge

Are you a Bitcoin enthusiast looking to put your knowledge to the test? Take our Bitcoin news quiz and find out how well you keep up with the latest industry developments.

Question 1:

Who was the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin?

Question 2:

What is the name of the consensus mechanism used by Bitcoin?

Question 3:

What is the maximum supply of Bitcoin?

Question 4:

Which country was the first to recognize Bitcoin as legal tender?

Question 5:

What is the Lightning Network used for?

Question 6:

What is the name of the Bitcoin upgrade that increased the block size?

Question 7:

Which cryptocurrency was the first Bitcoin fork?

Question 8:

What is the name of the Bitcoin transaction fee market?

Question 9:

Which exchange was hacked in 2020, resulting in the loss of over $500 million in Bitcoin?

Question 10:

What is the current price of Bitcoin?

Answer Key:

1. Satoshi Nakamoto

2. Proof-of-Work

3. 21 million

4. El Salvador

5. Off-chain payment processing

6. SegWit

7. Bitcoin Cash

8. RBF (Replace-By-Fee)

9. BitMEX

10. Check the latest market data


* 9-10 correct: Bitcoin expert

* 7-8 correct: Bitcoin enthusiast

* 5-6 correct: Bitcoin newbie

* <5 correct: Time to brush up on your Bitcoin knowledge!

Headlines!bitcoin news quiz

Test your Bitcoin IQ today and see how you stack up against the industry’s most informed minds.


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